Mount Holyoke Fitness Center
The Mount Holyoke Fitness Center is the perfect place to stay in shape year round. Located in the Kendall Sports & Dance Complex, the state-of-the-art facility was officially unveiled in the fall of 2009.
- Large selection of cardiovascular training equipment.
- Resistance training machines.
- Mezzanine Level:
- Space for functional strength training and core training.
- Spinning bikes.
Learn More:
Regular Hours:
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Only Mount Holyoke students and employees, as well as patron card members, may utilize the Kendall Sports & Dance Complex. Children (non-MHC students) are not allowed in the Fitness Center. Children 10 and above must, at all times, be supervised by a parent/legal guardian. Visitors are required to swipe their one card at the Information Desk and the Fitness Center each time they enter. Members who utilize the facility will be doing so at their own risk. Mount Holyoke College is not responsible for any injury that may occur to individuals participating in any exercise activity. Participation in exercise activity is on a voluntary basis. Consult with your physician before beginning any exercise routine. All users of the Kendall Complex must abide by all posted rules in all areas.
- Smoking and tobacco products are not permitted in the Kendall Complex.
- All personal music players must be equipped with headphones.
- Personal items, bags and other items are to be stored in lockers or cubby holes only and not on hallway floors.
- The Kendall Complex is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Report damaged equipment and injuries immediately to Information Desk worker.
- If, at any time a member does not comply with the rules and/or the assistant on duty, the member will be asked to leave, and/or his/her Fitness Center privileges will be revoked. The Information Desk worker and the Fitness Center monitor on duty has the right to enlist the help of Campus Security when necessary.
Additional Fitness Center Rules:
- Proper athletic attire must be worn at all times. Clean sneakers must be worn at all times. Absolutely no sandals, open toed or open-backed, or outside shoes are permitted.
- T-shirts must be worn. Sports bras only and crop tops are not allowed. No jeans or jean shorts allowed.
- Food and gum are not permitted. Only water is permitted, provided it is in a sealable, plastic container.
- Wipe down equipment after each use and return weights to racks.
- Weights or dumbbells may not be dropped on the floor or benches.
- During busy times or whenever someone is waiting for a machine, there is a 30-minute time limit on all cardiovascular equipment.
- Report damaged equipment and injuries immediately to Fitness Center Monitor.