2024-25 Mount Holyoke Equestrian Fall Roster

Division Hometown/High School Major
Cate Bates full bio Cate Bates Class: Sr. Division: Open Hometown/High School: Montclair, N.J. / Montclair Major: Architectural Studies
Carly Bitler full bio Carly Bitler Class: So. Division: Limit/Intermediate Hometown/High School: Seymour, Ill. / Aledo (TX) Major: English
Megan Bliamptis full bio Megan Bliamptis Class: Sr. Division: Introductory Hometown/High School: Lexington, Mass. / Lexington Major: Sociology/Religion
Maya Bomhardt full bio Maya Bomhardt Class: So. Division: Hometown/High School: Glenwood, Md. / Glenelg Major: English
Quinn Bracken full bio Quinn Bracken Class: Fy. Division: Novice Hometown/High School: Doylestown, Pa. / Major:
Artemis Chen full bio Artemis Chen Class: Sr. Division: Introductory Hometown/High School: Suzhou, China / Overseas Chinese Academy Chiway of Suzhou Major: Philosophy/International Relations
Milly Chen full bio Milly Chen Class: So. Division: Hometown/High School: Nanjing, China / Major:
Camille Cheng full bio Camille Cheng Class: Sr. Division: Open Hometown/High School: Goleta, Calif. / San Marcos Major: Mathematics
Dekyi Deji full bio Dekyi Deji Class: Sr. Division: Limit Hometown/High School: Beijing, China / Garrison Forest Major: Studio Art
Chelsey Ding full bio Chelsey Ding Class: So. Division: Hometown/High School: Dalian, China / Major:
Mara Downie full bio Mara Downie Class: Sr. Division: Limit Hometown/High School: Holyoke, Mass. / St. Mary's Major: Psychology
Emi Graf full bio Emi Graf Class: Fy. Division: Limit Hometown/High School: Belmont, Mass. / Belmont Major: Psychology
Lila Hancock full bio Lila Hancock Class: Jr. Division: Pre-novice Hometown/High School: Morrisville, Vt. / Peoples Academy Major: Anthropology
Gaile Hao full bio Gaile Hao Class: Fy. Division: Hometown/High School: Beijing, China / Major:
Montserrat Hartwig full bio Montserrat Hartwig Class: So. Division: Limit Hometown/High School: Santa Rosa, Calif. / Academia Cotopaxi Major: Psychology and Education
Cloe Hinck full bio Cloe Hinck Class: Fy. Division: Hometown/High School: Norwich, Vt. / Major:
Bessie Huggins full bio Bessie Huggins Class: Fy. Division: Novice Hometown/High School: Berkeley Heights, N.J. / Governor Livingston Major: Biological Sciences
Mads Hurley full bio Mads Hurley Class: Sr. Division: Limit Hometown/High School: Portland, Maine / Portland Major: Biology
Emma Jablonka full bio Emma Jablonka Class: Fy. Division: Novice Hometown/High School: Westfield, N.J. / Westfield Major: Undeclared
Anna Ji full bio Anna Ji Class: So. Division: Introductory Hometown/High School: Shanghai, China / YK Pao Major: International Relations/Economics
Ririka Kakuta full bio Ririka Kakuta Class: Sr. Division: Introductory Hometown/High School: Tokyo, Japan / Hiroo Gakuen Major: Biological Sciences
Lia Liang full bio Lia Liang Class: Jr. Division: Introductory Hometown/High School: Beijing, China / Major: Philosophy/Data Science
Lucy Lu full bio Lucy Lu Class: Fy. Division: Introductory Hometown/High School: Shanghai, China / Major: Undeclared
Faith Marley full bio Faith Marley Class: Sr. Division: Pre-novice Hometown/High School: Belchertown, Mass. / Major: Psychology
Alyssa Martinsen full bio Alyssa Martinsen Class: Fy. Division: Limit Hometown/High School: Arlington Heights, Ill. / Rolling Meadows Major: Undeclared
Charlie May full bio Charlie May Class: Jr. Division: Limit Hometown/High School: Stockton, N.J. / South Hunterdon Regional Major: Biology/French
Eliza Mutz full bio Eliza Mutz Class: So. Division: Limit Hometown/High School: Stanford, Calif. / Palo Alto Major: Biology
Grace Neumuth full bio Grace Neumuth Class: So. Division: Novice Hometown/High School: Marlborough, Conn. / Major: Neuroscience
Lainey Nibbio full bio Lainey Nibbio Class: So. Division: Novice Hometown/High School: Glen Ellyn, Ill. / Fusion Academy Oak Brook Major: Physics
Christine Niu full bio Christine Niu Class: So. Division: Pre-novice Hometown/High School: East Windsor, N.J. / Major: History/Economics
Harper Percy full bio Harper Percy Class: Fy. Division: Hometown/High School: Dallas, Texas / Major:
Nina Pereira full bio Nina Pereira Class: Jr. Division: Pre-novice Hometown/High School: Easthampton, Mass. / Major: Art History
Hallie Phillips full bio Hallie Phillips Class: Jr. Division: Intermediate Hometown/High School: Santa Rosa, Calif. / Major: Philosophy
Sarah Reading full bio Sarah Reading Class: Fy. Division: Pre-novice Hometown/High School: San Luis Obispo, Calif. / San Luis Obispo Major: Undeclared
Sabella Riccio full bio Sabella Riccio Class: So. Division: Novice Hometown/High School: Jersey City, N.J. / High Tech Major: Biological Sciences
Nicole Richards full bio Nicole Richards Class: Fy. Division: Novice Hometown/High School: Middletown, R.I. / St George's Major: Undeclared
Victoria Schubarg full bio Victoria Schubarg Class: Jr. Division: Pre-novice Hometown/High School: Dobson, N.C. / Ronald Reagan Major: Music
Zhuohan Shen full bio Zhuohan Shen Class: Sr. Division: Introductory Hometown/High School: Shanghai, China / Major: Art History/French
Kate Smith full bio Kate Smith Class: Sr. Division: Limit Hometown/High School: Wells, Vt. / Long Trail Major: History/International Relations
Lakshyaa Sreekumar full bio Lakshyaa Sreekumar Class: Sr. Division: Introductory Hometown/High School: Mississauga, Ontario / Port Credit Secondary School Major: Biology/Environmental Studies
Charlotte Subak full bio Charlotte Subak Class: Jr. Division: Intermediate Hometown/High School: Brooklyn, N.Y. / NYC iSchool Major: Biology/Environmental Studies
Nora Tripp full bio Nora Tripp Class: Jr. Division: Novice Hometown/High School: Westford, Mass. / Major: Biology
True Usiatynski full bio True Usiatynski Class: Sr. Division: Limit Hometown/High School: Fayetteville, N.Y. / Fayetteville-Manlius Major: International Relations/Biology
Kenny Yang full bio Kenny Yang Class: So. Division: Introductory Hometown/High School: Jiangsu, China / Shanghai Qibao Dwight Major: Biochemistry
Chloe Zhou full bio Chloe Zhou Class: So. Division: Hometown/High School: Anhui, China / Major: