Tennis Cruises Past Puerto Rico Mayaguez

Tennis Cruises Past Puerto Rico Mayaguez

Maya Sayarath

SOUTH HADLEY, Mass. (Apr. 4, 2012) – Sophomore AnnElizabeth Konkel came out of top at both singles and doubles to lead the Mount Holyoke College tennis team to a 7-2 triumph over the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez this afternoon at the Kendall Sports and Dance Complex Tennis Courts.

The Lyons won two of the three doubles points to gain control in the early going. Konkel and junior Nahrhee Han joined forces for an 8-3 win over Gabriela Rodriguez and Nicole Rosich at the top of the lineup. Meanwhile, senior Sarah Moore and first year Jenni Lee rolled to an 8-2 victory over Mara Michelle Colon and Joanna Ortiz in the number three matchup.

Puerto Rico Mayaguez got on the board with an 8-5 win by its number two doubles pairing of Andrea Rivera and Christine Raymond.

From there, it was all Mount Holyoke. The Lyons took five of the six singles matches to seal things. Konkel topped Rivera 6-2, 6-1 at the fourth slot, and sophomore Maya Sayarath picked up a 6-2, 6-1 triumph over Rosich at number spot. Classmate Eman Malik then clinched the match with a 6-1, 6-2 win over Colon in the number five match.

Mount Holyoke's final two points came from senior Heather Richardson and first year Sarah Anischik, who each overcame early deficits before prevailing in third set super tiebreakers.

The Lyons will look to run their winning streak to three, when they visit RPI on Saturday at noon. Meanwhile, Puerto Rico Mayaguez will continue its tour of Massachusetts at Nichols College tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. The Bulldogs will then take part in the Nor'Easter Bowl at Wellesley College from Friday through Sunday.

Photos by Leila Quinn '12