Why did you choose to attend Mount Holyoke? -
I chose to come to Mount Holyoke because I knew that academically I
wanted a challenge & socially I wanted to be surrounded by
equally driven and unique individuals. Mount Holyoke simply seemed
to fit as a challenge and an opportunity for me to grow and
What do you like best about Mount Holyoke? -
The MHC Athletics teams and department have made my experience here
at Mt. Holyoke amazing. I've been challenged and pushed physically
and it has truly made my MHC experience amazing. I also love the
connection professors offer to their students. I found both my
major and minor due to amazing classes with inspiring
Best Sporting Event Ever Attended - U.S. Open
Favorite Pro Sports Team - Dallas
Favorite TV Show - True Blood
Childhood Idol - My Sister
Hobbies - Video Games, Organic Gardening,
Cooking, & Reading
Magazine Cover You'd Like to Be On - Forbes
Most Prized Possession - My Cats
Place You'd Like to Visit - Italiy, Australia,
Europe... everywhere.
First Memory of Your Sport - How much my body
ached after my first practice
Most Memorable Moment in College Athletics -
The squash team beating Middlebury at Nationals in 2011
Pre-Game Rituals - Personal goal setting for
the match
If You Had $1 Billion Dollars You Would -
Travel the world and go to as many vinyards as possible
Career Aspirations - To own my own Gourmet
Wine and Food Retail Shop and teach about wine and food